Friday, April 1, 2011

This Wonderful Day

photo © Gary Strader

Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful day
Since each new day is a special gift,
For the sky so blue, and also when gray,
And sunshine which gives the spirits a lift;

For flowers that bloom, kissed by the sun,
Valleys and hills, plains and trees,
The artistic beauty You spread on each one,
The joy of life in each day to seize;

For abundant blessings showered on earth,
Peace, joy and hope raining down from above,
For the exquisite miracle of new birth,
Your Son and Your Spirit, the gift of love;

For all good things and all You do,
Thankful praise and love flow back to You.

© Connie Arnold,  2011



Janet Johnson said...

Beautiful! I love the sentiment, and it's so easy to forget that sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Love this poem Connie, there is so much joy woven into it.

Hope said...

ah yes! beautiful!

and...thank you, Connie!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I Love the poem. Yes each day is special.
ps. I like your new site

Linda said...

This is just lovely Connie.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. It is a joy to meet new friends.

Karen said...

Connie thank you for such an uplifting poem. The picture is beautiful. Spring!

lynnmosher said...

Lovely, Connie! I especially to love reading poetry about spring. Always brings a smile. Thanks you!

Donna said...

Beautiful, inspiring poem! I see you are an inspirational person as author! It will be a pleasure to get to know you!

Anonymous said...

When I see the beauty of creation...I also see the loving hand of God in it all!

Another beautiful poem, Connie.
I passed along a blog award to you; it's on my post for today.

God bless you!

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for your sweet comments, Janet, Andie, Hope and Kim. I appreciate your stopping by and hope you have a wonderful day!

Connie Arnold said...

Linda, I'm so glad you came by and agree it is a joy to meet new friends!

Karen and Lynn, spring is such an uplifting and happy time, isn't it? So nice to see you've been by and appreciate your sweet comments!

Donna, thanks for your visit, and I'm glad you were inspired. I look forward to getting to know you too!

Connie Arnold said...

Marsha, thank you for the lovely award! That's so sweet. I'll post it with a link to your site and pass it on to others soon. Blessings to you!

Karen said...

Beautiful, Connie! My favorite line is

"The joy of life in each day to seize;"

Seizing that joy....

valerie said...

I thank the Lord for this day and every day. Beautiful Connie. Love you.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Wonderful poem! I loved reading artistic, creative things that remind me to be positive and thankful. :) Thanks also for stopping by my blog, I so appreciate the comment.

Connie Arnold said...

Colleen, glad you liked it. Gary Strader does some beautiful photography. His photos are in my newest inspirational poetry book.

Karen, it's always definitely a good thing to seize the joy!

Connie Arnold said...

Valerie, thank you, love you too!

Elizabeth, you have captured the reason I write the poetry! Thank you for coming by, and I hope you'll come again to read more.

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

Beautiful poem!

Anonymous said...

A lovely poem full of the blessings that God bestows on His children if only they would notice. Thanks for your great comment on my blog. God Bless, Mike.

Connie Arnold said...

Carol, thank you for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment. Hope you'll come back soon and read more!

Mike, yes, if only we would notice! Thank you for coming by and commenting. Blessings to you!


Wonderful poem Connie, thanks for sharing.

A lso thanks for your most valued comment.

Patti Hanan said...

Your poetry is beautiful, Connie. I look forward to reading more. Thank you for following me at A grateful Heart. God bless you.

Whidbey Woman said...

I stand in agreement with all the comments. Happy Spiritual Sunday!

Charlotte said...

Beautiful poem and beautiful photo. Thank you for sharing.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

What beautiful Shrubs..a joy to behold. We do have very much to be thankful for. God Bless from the land of Oz.

God Whispers said...

Lovely Connie. Blessings.

Tamela's Place said...

another lovely poem Connie and thank you for visiting with me...

Blessings to you and your family :)