Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Only Day

photo © Gary Strader
This day is the only day
We have in the here and now,
So it’s important to find a way
To make a difference somehow.

Yesterday is already past,
What is done cannot be undone,
And future days which arrive so fast
Must be taken one by one.

Spending your time looking ahead
Or reliving what happened before
May fill you with a sense of dread
Or regret, when there could be much more.

Discover beauty each day you live,
Find the gift that’s waiting for you,
Soak in the love that God has to give,
Offer thanks in all that you do.

© Connie Arnold, 2010
read more poems on website blog



Wonderful as always Connie funny I wrote a poem about Fagile as a Butterfly,
I enjoyed the read such a pleasure,


Karen said...

Great poem and I need to remind myself daily to enjoy each moment. Thanks!

Rose said...

good thoughts. we all get caught up in the past, future. it's important to look at now and enjoy life, i have to remind myself of this. rose

Catherine said...

Such beautiful words Connie! And I like the butterfly photo.

Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comment about my kitty. :)

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you all for coming by and for your comments. They mean a lot to me!

Yvonne, I'd love to read your poem. I always enjoy what you write!

Karen, thanks, it is good to remind yourself to enjoy each moment!

Rose, it's definitely a good thing to remember!

Catherine, thank you for visiting, and I'm glad you like the poem and photo!

Rita said...

What a wonderful poem! and the picture is absolutely lovely. Oh how important it is that we enjoy each day. Life goes by so quickly that we forget to stop and enjoy it moment by moment. Thank you for your sweet comments on my post. I've been away lately getting carpet and flooring laid and am certainly enjoying being back. Have a wonderful week!

Sydney said...


Your poem was lovely. I know I want to invest my time and energy on what is everlasting. My goal is to see my Savior face to face someday and enjoy eternal peace by HIS side!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. My desire is that all who stop by my blog may be edified in HIM!

God bless you,

Just Be Real said...

I have become more mindful of these moments here on earth. Thank you for yet another reminder Connie. Blessings to you and yours.

Hema Penmetsa said...

That was simple, yet heartfelt, Connie! Thanks for sharing with us.

I come from a culture that is always looking into the future and planning. Something in my life currently makes it impossible for me to do that; everyday I try a little harder to live in the current moment. So, your poem has hidden layers and depths in it for me!

Julie said...

Beautiful words...and so true!

Connie Arnold said...

Rita, thanks! Isn't that a lovely photo? Hope you have a great week too!

Sydney, that is certainly a glorious and wonderful goal!

JBR, it's good to be reminded to live each day fully. Blessing to you as well!

Hema, I'm glad my poem was meaningful to you!

Julie, thank you!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I repeat myself, do love this poem also!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

This is a beautiful poem...and a great reminder

Connie Arnold said...

Kim & Lynda, thank you, and isn't it a great photo too!

Libbie said...

That is a beautiful poem! I am really trying hard to enjoy each day while my kids are young & to SOAK UP God's blessings :) Thay are too numerous to count!

Connie Arnold said...

Libbie, yes, enjoy those special days while your children are young. They really are great blessings and grow up all too quickly!

valerie said...

Once again and I am not at all surprised my friend of your beautiful in inspirational poetry! Keep writing your awesome and God inspired words my friend. I am letting you know that I had to delete my blog Simply 4 God as it was hacked. I have started another one which I hope you will follow. Pray for me my friend. The new blog is entitled Simply 4 Gods Glory.

Karen said...

Amen! Each day is a gift...

Beautiful words of truth and wisdom, Connie!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Trying hard to learn to live in the now.

~ Wendy

Walk In Truth said...

Beautiful poem! I really like the part about "Making a difference somehow" .
God bless you,
Michele Katherine

Connie Arnold said...

Valerie, I'm so glad to see your new blog. I tried to follow, but Google friend connect wouldn't work. I'll try again later.

Karen, so true that each day is a gift!

Wendy, that's a good thing to learn!

Michele, thank you. Blessings to you!

LisaShaw said...

Your heart is so real and precious. I enjoyed your writing. Blessings to you!